Source code for simula_bibrestclient.client

import base64
from os.path import basename
import json
from restkit import Resource, BasicAuth
from warnings import warn

from .defaults import folderurl

def urljoin(url, *paths):
    if not url.endswith('/'):
        url += '/'
    return url + '/'.join(paths)

[docs]class BibResource(Resource): """ Base class for the REST APIs. """ def __init__(self, url, username, password, mimetype='application/json', decode_output=False): """ :param url: URL to the REST API (including @@rest). :param username: Simula website username. :param password: Simula website password. :param mimetype: See :obj:`.mimetype`. :param decode_output: See :obj:`.decode_output`. """ #: The mimetype to use for input/output self.mimetype = mimetype #: Decode the response from the server? If not #: ``mimetype=='application/json'``, this will raise an exception if #: ``True``. self.decode_output = decode_output if decode_output and mimetype != 'application/json': raise ValueError('decode_output only works with application/json mimetype.') auth = BasicAuth(username, password) super(BibResource, self).__init__(uri=url, filters=[auth]) def _removeheader(self, headers, header): """ Remove header """ for key in headers: if key.lower() == header: del headers[key] return def request(self, method='GET', body=None, headers=None, params_dict=None, **kwargs): if headers: if not isinstance(headers, dict): raise ValueError('"headers" must be a dict or None') self._removeheader(headers, 'accept') else: headers = {} headers['accept'] = self.mimetype response = super(BibResource, self).request(method=method, body=body, headers=headers, params_dict=params_dict, **kwargs) return self.decode(response.body_string())
[docs] def post(self, requestdata): """ Perform HTTP POST request with ``requestdata`` in the request body and :obj:`.mimetype` in the ``Accept`` header. :param requestdata: Bytestring encoded with as :obj:`.mimetype`. """ return super(BibResource, self).post(payload=requestdata)
[docs] def put(self, requestdata): """ Perform HTTP PUT request with ``requestdata`` in the request body and :obj:`.mimetype` in the ``Accept`` header. :param requestdata: Bytestring encoded with as :obj:`.mimetype`. """ return super(BibResource, self).put(payload=requestdata)
[docs] def encode(self, data): """ JSON-encode ``data``. """ return json.dumps(data)
[docs] def decode(self, data): """ If :obj:`.decode_output` is True, decode decode the response and return a Python datastructure. If :obj:`.decode_output` is False, return ``data``. """ if self.decode_output: return json.loads(data) else: return data
[docs]class BibFolder(BibResource): """ Bibliography folder REST API. """ def __init__(self, username, password, folderurl=folderurl, **kwargs): url = urljoin(folderurl, '@@rest') super(BibFolder, self).__init__(url, username, password, **kwargs) def _check_search_paramcount(self, *params): paramcount = 0 for param in params: if bool(param): paramcount += 1 if paramcount > 1: warn('Providing more than one parameter to makes no sense because only the first one is used in this order: simula_author_usernames,author_names,search.') def _parse_commalist(self, namelist, attrname): if namelist: if not isinstance(namelist, (list,tuple)): raise ValueError('"{0}" must be list or tuple'.format(attrname)) return ','.join(namelist) else: return None
[docs] def search(self, simula_author_usernames=[], author_names=[], search='', itemids=[]): """ Perform HTTP GET to search the publication catalog. The default is to return all publications, however the results can be limited using the parameters below. Only the first search limiting parameter that is not ``bool(False)`` is used, and they are checked in the order they are listed. :param simula_author_usernames: List of author Plone usernames. Matches exact usernames (no fuzzy searching). E.g.: ``['hpl', 'griff']`` :param author_names: List of author names. E.g.: ``['Griwodz C', 'Langtangen H']`` :param search: Free text search. Searches the SearchableText index. E.g: ``"addresses the problem of managing an evolving"`` :param itemids: Search for one or more item IDs. Matches the given itemids exactly (no fuzzy searching). E.g.: ``['Simula.010', 'Simula.002']`` """ self._check_search_paramcount(simula_author_usernames, author_names, search) simula_author_usernames = self._parse_commalist(simula_author_usernames, 'simula_author_usernames') author_names = self._parse_commalist(author_names, 'author_names') itemids = self._parse_commalist(itemids, 'itemids') params = dict(simula_author_usernames=simula_author_usernames, author_names=author_names, search=search, itemids=itemids) return self.get(params_dict=params)
[docs] def create_item(self, id, portal_type, attributes, pretend=False): """ Perform HTTP POST to create a bibliography item within this folder. .. note:: This is a very thin wrapper around :meth:`.post`. See the source for this method (link on the right hand side) to see what it does. :param id: ID (short name) of the new item. :param portal_type: The portal_type of the bibliography item. :param attributes: Attributes for the new item. These are the same as the ``attributes`` documented in the REST API docs. Note that ``attributes['id']`` is ignored if included (The ``id`` parameter is used instead). :pretend: Just pretend to make the changes? If ``True``, no changes are made to the database, however the response will still be just as if we used ``pretend=False``. """ attributes_full = {} attributes_full.update(attributes) attributes_full['id'] = id data = dict(portal_type=portal_type, attributes=attributes_full) if pretend: data['parameters'] = {'pretend': True} return
[docs] def bulk_update(self, items, pretend=False): """ Perform HTTP PUT to update many items. .. note:: This is a very thin wrapper around :meth:`.put`. See the source for this method (link on the right hand side) to see what it does. :param items: List of items to update. :pretend: Just pretend to make the changes? If ``True``, no changes are made to the database, however the response will still be just as if we used ``pretend=False``. """ data = dict(parameters=dict(pretend=pretend), items=items) return self.put(self.encode(data))
[docs] def get_website_url(self): """ Returns the URL for this bibfolder on the website (not the REST API url). """ return self.uri.replace('@@rest', '')
[docs] def get_restapi_url(self): """ Returns the REST API URL of this bibfolder. When this URL is opened in a browser, the user sees the docs for the REST API. """ return self.uri
[docs]class BibItem(BibResource): """ Bibliography item (e.g.: ArticleReferece, PhdThesis, Book, ...) REST API. .. note:: Why is portal_type a method argument instead of a constructor argument? Because ``get`` does not require ``portal_type``, and we need to be able to perform a ``get``-request to find the ``portal_type``. We do not store any state in the class, so ``portal_state`` is not automatically maintained internally (since this would require an extra get-request for each update). """ def __init__(self, itemid, username, password, folderurl=folderurl, **kwargs): """ :param itemid: The id of the bibliography item. """ url = urljoin(folderurl, itemid, '@@rest') super(BibItem, self).__init__(url, username, password, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, include_filefields=False): """ Perform HTTP GET to get the bibliography item. """ return super(BibItem, self).get(params_dict={'include_filefields': include_filefields})
[docs] def update(self, portal_type, portal_state=None, attributes={}, pretend=False): """ Perform HTTP PUT to update the item bibliography item. .. note:: This is a very thin wrapper around :meth:`.put`. See the source for this method (link on the right hand side) to see what it does. :param portal_state: Change the state of the bibitem. When an item is created, its state is ``private``. Any request changing or getting the item includes ``portal_state_transitions``, which describes the next possible states. :param portal_type: The portal_type for the bibliography item. :param attributes: Attributes to update. These are the same as the ``attributes`` documented in the REST API docs. :pretend: Just pretend to make the changes? If ``True``, no changes are made to the database, however the response will still be just as if we used ``pretend=False``. """ kw = {'attributes': attributes} if portal_state: kw['portal_state'] = portal_state if pretend: kw['parameters'] = {'pretend': True} params = dict(portal_type=portal_type, **kw) return self.put(self.encode(params))
[docs] def request_approval_from_coauthors(self, portal_type): """ Shortcut for ``update(portal_state='submit')``. """ return self.update(portal_type, portal_state='submit')
[docs] def publish_internally(self, portal_type): """ Shortcut for ``update(portal_state='publish_internally')``. """ return self.update(portal_type, portal_state='publish_internally')
[docs] def get_browser_deleteurl(self): """ Returns the URL for the confirm-delete view for this bibliography item on the website. """ return self.uri.replace('@@rest', 'delete_confirmation')
[docs] def get_website_url(self): """ Returns the URL for this bibliography item on the website (not the REST API url). """ return self.uri.replace('@@rest', '')
[docs] def get_restapi_url(self): """ Returns the REST API URL of this bibliography item. When this URL is opened in a browser, the user sees the docs for the REST API. """ return self.uri
[docs] def browser_confirm_delete(self): """ Open a webbrowser tab on the :meth:`get_browser_deleteurl`. This view asks the user to confirm if they want to delete the item or not. """ import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new_tab(self.get_browser_deleteurl())
[docs] def encode_pdfdata(cls, data): """ Returns the ``data``-string base64-encoded. """ return base64.standard_b64encode(data)
[docs] def encode_pdf(cls, filename, data, content_type='application/pdf'): """ Create a ``simula_pdf_file``-compatible dict. :param filename: The name of the file (E.g.: ``"myfile.pdf"``). This file is not read from disk, the string is the filename that users get when they download the PDF from the website. :param data: A string containing the data of the PDF. :param content_type: The content-type of the file. Defaults to "application/pdf". :return: A ``simula_pdf_file``-compatible dict where ``data`` is base64 encoded. """ base64data = cls.encode_pdfdata(data) return {'filename': filename, 'base64data': base64data, 'content_type': content_type}
[docs] def encode_pdffile(cls, filepath, content_type='application/pdf'): """ Create a ``simula_pdf_file``-compatible dict from the file at the given ``filepath``. Reads the file from disk and uses :meth:`.encode_pdf`. :param filepath: Path to a file on the local filesystem. :param content_type: The content-type of the file. Defaults to "application/pdf". """ return cls.encode_pdf(filename=basename(filepath), data=open(filepath).read(), content_type=content_type)
[docs] def decode_pdfdata(cls, base64data): """ Decode ``base64data``. """ return base64.standard_b64decode(base64data)
[docs] def decode_pdf(cls, simula_pdf_file_dict): """ The reverse of :meth:`encode_pdf`. """ return {'filename': simula_pdf_file_dict['filename'], 'data': cls.decode_pdfdata(simula_pdf_file_dict['base64data']), 'content_type': simula_pdf_file_dict['content_type']}