Source code for simula_bibrestclient.cli.main

import sys

from simula_bibrestclient import defaults
from .argparseimport import ArgumentParser
from .command import Command
from .search import Search
from .update import Update
from .version import Version

_subcommands = []
def _register_command(commandcls):
    Register a :class:`simula_bibrestclient.cli.command.Command` subclass
    as a simula_bibrestclient command.
    if not issubclass(commandcls, Command):
        raise TypeError('Must be a Command subclass.')
    if commandcls in _subcommands:
        raise ValueError('{0} is already in the commands registry.'.format(commandcls))


def _add_subcommand(subparsers, cls):
    parser = subparsers.add_parser(,
    parser.set_defaults(func=cls.execute, requires_auth=cls.requires_auth)

[docs]def main(arguments=None, subcommands=[]): """ The simula_bibrestclient command. :param arguments: Command-line arguments as a list, excluding the program name. Defaults to ``sys.args[1:]``. :param subcommands: List of :class:`.Command`-subclasses. """ from getpass import getuser, getpass arguments = arguments or sys.argv[1:] subcommands = subcommands or _subcommands parser = ArgumentParser(description='Simula publication database REST API command line client.') parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', default=getuser(), help='Username on the Simula website. Defaults to the current user ({0}).'.format(getuser())) parser.add_argument('--folderurl', default=defaults.folderurl, dest='folderurl', help=('Override the bibliography folder URL. For ' 'debugging or usage against the testserver. ' 'Defaults to: {0}').format(defaults.folderurl)) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Subcommands', description='The following subcommands are available. Use "{prog} <action> --help" for help with a specific command.'.format(prog=parser.prog), help='sub-command help') for subcommand in subcommands: _add_subcommand(subparsers, subcommand) args = parser.parse_args(arguments) if args.requires_auth: auth = dict(username=args.username, password=getpass('Password on the Simula website for {0}: '.format(args.username))) else: auth = None args.func(args, auth)